God will never ask you to compromise His values.
Someone else might. But God never will!
I’ve had 5 conversations with 5 different ladies in the last couple of weeks – specifically around the area of their romantic relationships, and 5/5 of them are living in compromise.
Knowing the Godly values these girls hold, it’s heartbreaking to see them living in a way that conflicts.
☹️ Settling for less than God’s very best for them.
☹️ Crossing lines they know they shouldn’t be crossing.
☹️ Putting blinders on so as to not see the red flags.
☹️ Sitting on the fence because they don’t want to go back to “nothing.”
???? Maybe he’s really nice though.
???? Maybe he’s totally okay with you going to church.
???? Maybe he invites you to spend the night and says he won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.
???? Maybe he’s saying wonderful things…but his actions aren’t following suit.
There may be an immediate (albeit temporary) satisfaction that comes along with compromise, but living compromised is only doing you harm.
One facet of compromise allows multiple parties to reach a mutually-agreeable solution, even if it means concessions happen. There can be a benefit to that, when all parties are in agreement.
BUT, the compromise I’m talking about can be defined as allowing what’s less than desired. Allowing these lower standards only leaves YOU compromised (“impaired or diminished in function : weakened, damaged, or flawed” -Merriam Webster)
If you’re reading this, and you’re compromising (or sensing guilt ????), then this is for you.
STOP compromising. It’s not worth it. The temporary gain is NOT worth the elongated pain.
If it means you need to release a dating relationship, then do! You won’t be able to get what’s great if you’re grasping what’s so-so.
♥️ Stand firm on your boundaries, and don’t settle for less!
♥️ Be resolute. Your value is immense, and not meant to be slighted.
♥️ God’s values are worth holding onto!
If there’s even a tinge of feeling called out after reading this, then there’s probably a reason you’re reading it. Maybe you don’t WANT to be reading it, but you know you NEED to be reading it.
With love, STOP compromising ????