I’ve been surrounded this week by stories of husbands and wives who’ve really been in each other’s corner. Encouraging each other, fighting for the other’s victories, and celebrating with one another – I can feel my emotions heightening to it 🥺 It feels extra tender …
trusting in God

Dear, Husband (September 11, 2022 edition)
Dear Husband, There is going to be so much of my life that you’ll only ever know about through stories. So many experiences I’ll only be able to relay to you via words, because we weren’t together when it happened. And same for you. We’re …

Dear, Husband (August 14, 2022 edition)
Dear husband, 👕 I bought this shirt for you 636 days ago, as an act of faith. 😍 Believing for something I’m not yet experiencing. Life with YOU! 🙏 I pray for you as I wear it around the house. 👀 To be honest, I …

Starved for attention
I was at an event last night (hence this fun picture!) and kept noticing this one particular woman throughout the evening. I’d met her a couple of days earlier and had an instant heartache for her. There was just such a clear insecurity emanating from …

Tips to a Peaceful Home
I often get the comment “wow – your home is so peaceful” and I’d like to share a few of the reasons I believe that to be. 🙏 This home knows worship and prayer📺 I don’t have a TV🗙 There’s nothing out on my counters …

Playing Defense isn’t always necessary
I had *such* a random thought the other day, and it’s partly entertaining and partly thought-provoking. Just as there are no sharks in the desert sand, there are no scorpions in the ocean. And, even though they exist, our chances of encountering one are slim. …

Does resistance mean there’s no trust?
I had an interesting question posed to me the other day, when I was in the midst of a fear of heights (read: I was on a cliff, literally, and was being confronted with soooo many emotions I don’t enjoy). I had missed the sunset …

Don’t be selfish with your wisdom
I’d like to officially welcome to the “I’ve learned something the hard way” club if you’ve ever, in any circumstance, learned something the hard way. Now, in order to be part of this club, we do have a few bylaws that all members are held …

If I were to write a book on dating…
Let’s preface this by saying – this is not at all how I imagined my dating story would go. And, since I’m still mid-story, with no idea how or when the ending will happen, we’re just going to take a peek at what’s transpired so …

Impacted by the legacy of someone you never knew
These pictures were taken at a gathering in memory of a man I never met. He tragically passed away a few years ago, and while I never met him, I’ve been impacted by his legacy. You see, this man was kind. He was loving. He …