Sometimes we can feel stuck on “not knowing what to pray” when the most effective prayers are when we speak out GOD’s own words, and put our amen behind them!
Power prayer status = reached!
No need to think things up or try to contrive a creative, eloquent speech. Angels respond to God’s word (not ours). “So bless the Lord, all his messengers of power, for you are his mighty heroes who listen intently to the voice of his word to do it.” -Psalm 103:20 TPT.
And God, Himself, makes certain of it: “Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it.” – Jeremiah 1:12 AMP
Here are a few prayers you can speak over your life, at any point, in any circumstance!
We’re going to repeat them together today, so you can build faith (which comes by hearing) AND release angels to perform God’s word over your life! AMEN!
? God, thank You that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. AMEN
? I declare that every fiery dart of the enemy shall be extinguished by my shield of faith! AMEN
? Thank You, Lord, that even when I have feelings of sadness or rejection trying to set in, I know that YOU call me cherished and honored in Your sight. AMEN
? God, Your word says that You will turn all things to good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose, and I claim that right now over my life in Jesus’ name! AMEN
? Lord, I am asking for wisdom and guidance. Your word says “If any of you lacks wisdom [to guide him through a decision or circumstance], he is to ask of [our benevolent] God, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to him.” AMEN
? Your Grace is sufficient for me, and Your power is made perfect in my weakness. Therefore I am boasting in my weakness all the more gladly that Your power may rest on me. AMEN
? Lord, You have given me the fruits of the spirit – every single one – and I am calling down Your perfect activation of them in my life, that I may operate fully from a place of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. AMEN
? Heavenly Father, I bring this sin to you, to confess it, and to repent from it. I know that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just, and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness! AMEN
? Thank You for giving me the power to create wealth, that You might establish the covenant You swore to my fathers. I walk in it, and I glorify You for it. AMEN
? I am an overcomer, and I am above and not beneath. There is no circumstance that can take me out because greater is He who lives in me than He who is in the world! AMEN
? I will fear not, for You are with me. I will not be dismayed for You are my God. You will strengthen me and help me, and You will uphold me with Your righteous right hand! AMEN
“AMEN” can be translated as “so be it” / “it is true” / “certainty” / “truth”