Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 Articles
Leadership Lifestyle

2023 Vision

2022 was a year of “this isn’t how I thought this was gonna go” 🤪 and I have a suspicion that 2023 is going to be more of that…but in a new light. You see, I let myself be under the impression that some significant …


Unlock Your vision announcement

Y’all know how I am with my Vision Boards 😍 I want YOU to be able to enjoy yours thoroughly, too! And if you’ve never made one, or you’re wanting a refresh or new approach, UNLOCK YOUR VISION is for you 👏 I’ve put this …


2021 Vision

2021. You’re already my favorite year yet  You will be full of faith, joy, love, and unrestrained confidence, and I am excited to experience flexibility, new ways of approaching life, and expansion!.Let’s GO!!!


2020 Vision

All the wonderful things I have to look forward to in 2020! Friendships and self care and debt payoff and romance. New levels in my prayer life and the best Girls Giving yet!


2019 Vision

Let’s talk VISION BOARDS for a moment…shall we? Last year was the first year I ever did one and there’s a reason I came back strong to do another one (okay, 2…) for 2019! I am shocked when I see how much came to fruition …


Life on Fire

I did another thing. Had the privilege of getting on stage at the #LifeOnFire event yesterday!! And let me tell you – my heart was racing. Admittedly, I hesitated for a moment. Then, I simply went for it, fear and all. “What would people think?” “Who am …