Where did this girl go? This carefree, goofy, fun-loving, glammed up gal. Today, I felt like she went missing. đŸ•șElvis has left the building! Today felt long and everything felt intensified. The highs were wonderful, and the irritations were REAL (face palm). Let me emphasize, they were *very* real. The feelings of being misunderstood, super annoyed with changes, and dismissal of what’s important to me. All of those moments felt elongated and so very EXTRA (eye roll)!
Ladies, I’ve got THREE points with this post. .
✔(1) You’re not alone in experiencing a full range of emotions. Sometimes they get into a tizzy and mess with us. Without going into the huge myriad of reasons as to WHY they do that, I want to simply let you know that you’re not alone. It happens to the best of us. So rest easy.
✔(2) It’s OKAY to feel your feelings. What’s NOT okay is sitting and stewing in them, or ignoring them. Don’t just wait for them to fix themselves (feelings are HORRIBLE leaders). Don’t just hope they’ll go away or even themselves out. Don’t wish for and want something different if you’re not willing to BE different. Said with love, it’s up to each one of us to control our own emotions. They certainly won’t control themselves. And no one else can control them for us. No one else can shift them or manipulate them 
 UNLESS WE LET THEM. I know. I know. That’s a mind blowing concept for some (it sure was for me when I was first introduced to this years ago), but it will revolutionize your life when you grasp it. As soon as you put yourself (not others, and definitely NOT your emotions) back in the driver’s seat of your life, your life will change drastically!
✔(3) A huge key I want you to for sure understand with this is that while you are 100% in charge of your emotions, you do NOT need to go about it alone! We are not designed to do life alone…not even during seasons of “shelter in place” / “social distancing” / “self isolation”!
Gather your most trusted women. Loop them into the depths of your life. Welcome their feedback. Encourage them to share openly with you. Ask their advice. Let them speak sense into you when your emotions get in the way. And then it’s up to YOU to actually implement their wisdom. Listen and take action.
It’s up to you, and I believe you CAN!!