*** DEPRESSION Q&A *** I have had so many people reach out to ask this since I’ve gone public with my battle with depression, and I want to share my response to this QUESTION: how did you stop your depression…did you have to take any medication?
ANSWER: A few years ago I got a 90-day supply of a natural serotonin that I took for a few months…I didn’t notice much of a difference. I was in the middle of lots of transitions in life, so it was sort of trading one misery for another at that point – at least that’s how it felt. Honestly, what actually helped me overcome my depression was a few things that have taken place over this past year:
- (1) learning how to think differently (like, I genuinely stop myself before I respond when someone asks me how I’m doing to consciously find a positive way to frame what I’m experiencing, even if it’s not the most pleasant thing I’m going through at the moment – forcing myself to find the silver lining has been really helpful!).
- (2) Figuring out that I was the common denominator between everything that was happening in my life….especially all of the things I was NOT happy with. The reason I was in all of the situations I was in was because of decisions I had made. At no point had anyone ever held a gun to my head and made me do anything I’d done. It was 100% me (even if I felt pressure, it was still, ultimately, MY decision). That was incredibly liberating in allowing myself to recognize that if I’d gotten myself into those situations, I could get myself out AND if I didn’t like where I was, I could change.
- (3) having the support, encouragement, and accountability of people who saw more for me than I was able to see for myself. There’s no way I would be where I am now without the people I have in my life….and the majority of these people weren’t in my life a year ago. Just a handful of people were, and I wasn’t appreciating them at the time (thankfully, I do now).
I know….looooonng answer. It’s the truth though. A whole combination of things, and while I can totally see the benefits of medication, it didn’t play a part in me personally overcoming depression.
A HUGE shout out to Ascension Leadership Academy – it truly was the catalyst for me FINALLY breaking through my decades-long fight with depression. I cannot recommend this training highly enough! If there is literally anything standing between you and your dream life, it will support you. Looking for a community of amazing people? It will support you. Want to take your business to the next level? It will support you. Wishing you could just be DONE with depression/guilt/low self esteem/lack of confidence/etc…? It will support you. Comment in this post if you want to know more. I’m happy to answer questions!
P.S. If this image speaks to you, or you know someone who’s currently experiencing this – please feel free to share this with them! I’m passionate about supporting people along this journey and am happy to be a resource and share my story so people know they’re not alone and there is hope!!