Welp ? Hmmm… not how I thought that would go….
?Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned
?‍♀️Sometimes people misunderstand you
?Sometimes you take a misstep
?Sometimes you get caught at an awkward moment
?Sometimes what you say unintentionally hurts someone
?Sometimes you are livin’ large
?Sometimes you’re barely scraping by
?Sometimes you keep hoping ? things will go one way while they’re actively going another
?Sometimes you’re the only one laughing at your (really funny!) jokes
?Sometimes you totally geek out on something and unknowingly captivate those around you with your delight
?Sometimes you get kicked in the metaphorical nuts
?Sometimes you get rejected because of what you stand for, but instead of that knocking you down, it actually strengthens your convictions!
☝️That happened to me today. And while part of it stung (because, let’s be real, rejection is ?), most of it felt great because I can recognize how much I’ve grown ? I can acknowledge myself for not crumbling, folding under pressure, and succumbing to old “people pleaser” tendencies. I can stand proud because I honored my integrity and my value ?
⚠️You are not for everyone.
But you are always for THE ONE ? He created you with purpose, in His perfect image, and with a unique identity and worth in Him ? God wanted you. He created the universe, the creatures, the seas and the Heavens…
Whether you run side by side with Him, towards Him, or away from Him – HE LOVES YOU! You are cherished!