Showing: 31 - 40 of 101 Articles
Leadership Relationships

Are you good for the conversation

➕Are you good for the conversation?➕Are you willing to stay in a conversation when there’s disagreement?➕Can you handle the heat?➕Can you listen without attacking?➕Can you give them a chance to speak without lashing out?➕Can you hear an argument that appalls you without name calling?➕Can you …


Say it with me now

Y’all. We have to talk. This whole “deflecting compliments” thing is NOT a good look ? If someone offers you a compliment, receive it, whether you believe it or not. They took time and effort to express it to you, when it would have been …


ENOUGH with the stalking

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you need to STOP stalking your ex’s social media (…or their new girlfriend’s social media… or your new boyfriend’s ex’s social media) account(s) and keeping tabs on what they’re up to. STOP IT! It is only …


Friday night with the sharks

Sometimes you need a night out with a girlfriend, enjoying frivolity, popcorn, and San Diego Sharks basketball. A couple of weeks ago I got to go out with my girl, Hollie Tkac, to enjoy one of the most nail-biting games I’ve ever gone to! SO …

Leadership Relationships

Time vs. People

It’s an interesting line to walk – people vs. time. Which one do you prioritize? One could argue either way, really. If you’re on a meeting with someone, and it’s scheduled for 30 minutes, and it runs over because you prioritized the person on the …