Showing: 1 - 10 of 14 Articles

Is staying friends a bad idea?

“Is staying friends a bad idea?” she asked. She’d been getting to know this man for a couple of months, and while he was a good man, and there were no glaring red flags, their faith wasn’t aligned. And while he respected her, and recognized …


Delete his number

I found myself wanting to text him SO bad! “Him” being a man I was interested in years ago. A man who’d never expressed any genuine interest, but who had provided some conversations here and there over the couple months we’d explored dating. And by …


Dreaming of a douche

Girls, I had a dream last night that I felt to share. It was about some guy (no one I know in real life). In this dream, he was everything douchey you can imagine ? ? playing the field – right in front of me? …


Red Flags and then some

Reminiscing about some things I’ve walked through and overcome, and I have some thoughts. If 2021 Susan could share something with 2018 Susan (and other ladies), she’d say something to the tune of…. SINGLE LADIES, if his *ACTIONS* are not showing you honesty or healthy, …


Single Mix and Mingle Update

? About last night……well, it was fun! Tons of great people, lots of flowing conversation, and plenty of opportunities to connect with new friends..❓As for the question I’ve been getting all day today “Did you meet anyone last night?!” ?  ((…..drum roll, please…..?)).? No..? I …


Single Mix and Mingle

 You guys know that I am willing to be vulnerable in put myself out there, and tonight I am asking for your prayers .I have done the online dating thing, the matchmaking thing, the being set up thing, and even the speed dating thing …. and …