High standards. This is a touchy subject ?

People tell me “your standards are way too high” and I just let them talk.


Do you think anything is too hard for the Lord?

You watch, and you’ll see, HE WILL COME THROUGH.

I’m confident in my high standards because I’m confident in HIM ?

He’s exceedingly above and beyond, my Heavenly Father, and I trust that He will show off BIG TIME with me and my man! He will be worth every moment of the wait.

I have had many people reflect my high standards back to me, as if it’s a bad thing.

But I’ve had just as many, if not more, people reflect my high standards back to me as an inspiration to them. I’ve heard both “you make me want to be a better woman” and “you make me want to be a better man” ✨

My hope is that you’ll see them as an inspiration, but if you’d rather see them as “too high” or “unobtainable” that’s your choice.

I believe you’ll see my high standards exceeded though. If you think MY standards are high for myself, you should see what my Heavenly Father’s standards are ? He ain’t gonna bring me no slouch!!

I reached out to a friend a couple of years ago when I saw a picture with a few of their buddies. One of the gentlemen stood out to me, and when I inquired about him, their response to me was “he probably wouldn’t be a good fit knowing your standards.”

And you know what? THANK GOD they know my standards!!

Do people know yours?

❓Have you lowered them to “increase the pool of options” for dating?

❗Raise them back up.

❓Have you never set any to (hopefully) prevent yourself from being disappointed?

❗Set them now.

❓Have you judged people who have high standards because you’re not even seeing your low standards being met?

❗Maybe they’re not being met because they’re not actually a good match for you, because you’re worthy of more.

❓Have you never even thought about standards and you just sort of live by the “I’ll take what I get” approach?

❗It’s time to live on purpose.

Will you “lose out” on things because you have high standards? Yes. You absolutely will.

But is it really a “loss” if you’re being protected from unnecessary pain?

When people think about you, and your standards, are they looking UP to find a match for you, or are they scraping the bottom of the barrel to bring you anyone because you’ve made it clear that “as long as they’re breathing” that’s good enough?

Even said in jest, realize that you’re speaking into your reality!

Listen, I’ve joked about it, too. But more and more I’m aware of how sensitive the atmosphere is to my words, and how much I don’t want just any man who’s breathing. No.

I’m believing for…

?A mighty man.

?A man of valor.

?A man with integrity and character.

?A man with a great sense of humor.

?A man who loves the Lord above ALL else (even me).

?A man who is thoughtful.

?A man who prays.

?A man who is intelligent and interesting.

?A man who takes care of himself (spiritually, mentally, physically, etc.)

?A man who is confident AND humble.

?A man who leads well.

?A man who has kind eyes and a genuine smile.

If he happens to be 6’8” with broad shoulders and a square jawline, so be it. You won’t hear me complain about those bonuses ? But note that those are BONUSES. There’s a huge difference between high standards, and ridiculous requirements.

This man WILL exceed all of my high standards and I’m so excited to be able to share our love story and help other women see the power of having high standards, sticking to them, and waiting patiently for God’s perfect timing!

Mark my words.

Ladies, if you know your standards are being compromised, it’s time to raise ‘em back up!

High standards are a blessing, but they carry weight (which can feel like a burden/heaviness if not recognized as a blessing).

✅ High standards. Get some.

And let those who mock you keep on passing by, because they are the ones who will have to eat their words, not you. Let ‘em talk, and pray for them to release their bitterness ?

Make no apologies.

Let your life speak for itself, and be sure to give GOD the glory when it all comes to pass.