Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 Articles

Women after God’s own eyes

“You will never look into the eyes of someone God does not love.” ? Easy to say about someone you love. But it hits different when you’re looking into the eyes of someone who betrayed you. Someone who traumatized you. Someone who left you, hurt …

Spiritual Susan's Favorites

Church Injuries

If you’ve ever been wounded by “the church” then please read this post! I don’t know what happened to you (although I’ve heard countless stories from people of the wounds they’ve sustained, and there are some truly tragic ones!), but I‘d like you to consider …


Harboring Hate

Harbor: /ˈhärbər/ verb. keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one’s mind, especially secretly. (Thank you, Oxford American College Dictionary, for that definition.) In the case of a ship, the harbor is sheltering it from harsh weather conditions and rough seas. When …


The blame game is lame

But ? But it was them. It’s their fault. They did it. I didn’t choose this. Deal with them about it. They caused this chaos. It wasn’t my fault. Perhaps you’ve said some or all of the above at one point or another. I know …

Leadership Spiritual

My experience with a stalker

I didn’t realize I had a stalker until he arrived in my windowless back corner office, unannounced, and locked himself in with me, when no one else was around .As a young, impressionable, naïve college girl – it took me awhile to catch onto the fact …