Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 Articles

Show up AF

??? Show up AF ??? “As a friend” guys ? show up AS A FRIEND. When your friends are celebrating something, or trying to get the word out about something, or asking for prayer for something, or attempting a new thing, SHOW UP for them! …


Friendship Safety Zone

One of my favorite things to do in friendship is to offer my friends a “safe space” to get things off their chest and say what they’re really thinking (i.e. an unpolished rant of sortS), so they can stop swirling it around inside or be …


Harboring Hate

Harbor: /ˈhärbər/ verb. keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one’s mind, especially secretly. (Thank you, Oxford American College Dictionary, for that definition.) In the case of a ship, the harbor is sheltering it from harsh weather conditions and rough seas. When …



Stick-to-itiveness. aka Endurance Perseverance Tenacity …and sometimes even  Gall Chutzpah Boldness aka something you need when things don’t work in your time frame a trait to be activated when life hits ya’ and you’re in a “waiting” season what’s necessary during times of “this isn’t …


The blame game is lame

But ? But it was them. It’s their fault. They did it. I didn’t choose this. Deal with them about it. They caused this chaos. It wasn’t my fault. Perhaps you’ve said some or all of the above at one point or another. I know …


Champion’s Night

Champion’s Night. A beautiful gala designed to honor those who contribute heavily to the growth of our Pathfinders and Vision Builders Mission – and a night where I had thoughts of “I don’t belong here. I didn’t earn this.” swirling in my head throughout the …