Showing: 1 - 9 of 9 Articles
Lifestyle Susan's Favorites


What’s a girl to do when she’s torn? Between multiple things, in multiple directions? Being called here, yet drawn over there. Being beckoned one way, but swept another. She’s torn. She wants to write. She wants to play. She wants to leave. She wants to …

Spiritual Susan's Favorites

Church Injuries

If you’ve ever been wounded by “the church” then please read this post! I don’t know what happened to you (although I’ve heard countless stories from people of the wounds they’ve sustained, and there are some truly tragic ones!), but I‘d like you to consider …


Tiers of Gratitude

You’ve heard me talk about gratitude before, so this isn’t a new concept. But as I’ve been practicing it more and more, I’ve noticed some patterns that I’ve been walking out with it, and want to share with you my Tiers of Gratitude. Tier 1 …


Forcing Gratitude

I’ve definitely felt the (self-imposed) pressure to come up with unique things every single day for my gratitude list. And let me tell you what – that has absolutely robbed me of the joy and purpose of this gratitude practice. It’s not to come up …


I’d rather have it than not

I remember being at a time in my life where I told one of my mentors “if one more person asks me to put together a gratitude list I’m gonna lose my mind. I don’t freaking have anything to be grateful for.” I’m sure she …

Leadership Lifestyle

Mixed emotions

⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️↖️⬆️It’s been an interesting last few weeks (#mixedemotions).?HIGHS..?lows..A consistent stream of genuine encouragement, celebration, and love as I went from saying ?hello to a brand new year to saying ?goodbye to my sweet cat, Cashmere – within 10 days of each other..A LOT of ?fresh …

Lifestyle Spiritual

You’re Invited

? I’ve “known” God my whole life. Grew up in a Christian home, always have gone to church, prayed *the prayer* when I was 4 years old, and have always been a believer..But if I’m being honest, it hasn’t always been personal. For many years, …


A season

Blissed out Monday has me like ? I’ve been learning how to soak it all in, and really BE in the present moment. As a “planner” that’s not something I’m naturally inclined to do..I’m grateful for this season of practice. A season of deepening friendships. …



Let’s talk about our exes for a moment. Shall we? And by talk about them, I mean CELEBRATE them!! (Plot twist, I know.) What lessons did you learn through them? What strengths did you gain because of experiences with them? What healing have you had …