🤔 I’ve “known” God my whole life. Grew up in a Christian home, always have gone to church, prayed *the prayer* when I was 4 years old, and have always been a believer.
But if I’m being honest, it hasn’t always been personal. For many years, in fact, it was very religious.
✔Church on Sunday? Check.
✔Leading a Bible study? Check.
✔Pray before I eat? Check.
✔Own a Bible? Check.
✔Listen to worship music? Check.
📷 You get the picture. Doing all the things, but not EXPERIENCING GOD. Not *really* knowing Him — His goodness. His love. His grace. His peace. Not really spending time with Him. And man oh man was I missing out!!
😇 God is so much more than 2 hours on a weekend and a quick “thanks for this food” a few times a day. He’s so much more than a flippant “I’ll be praying for you” comment and an “amen!” when the preacher’s sharing. He is so much bigger than any obstacle you’re facing.
☝HE is good. Humans fail.
☝HE is loving. Humans are limited.
☝HE is a healer. Humans cause pain.
☝HE is perfect. Humans are not.
Friend, if you’re reading this and you’ve been hurt by the church, or by a pastor, or church leader, or a Christian, or someone who claimed to be someone they weren’t, or by ANY human, please PLEASE do not blame God for that.👏 It wasn’t HIM that hurt you👏 It was a human.
💖HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS. But humans do.
⛪ If you’re reading this and you’ve struggled to find a church because all of the ones you’ve attended suck for one reason or another >>> I’m going to challenge you to recognize that while we do the best we can, we’re humans, and we all have faults in one way or another. NO church is perfect. But this one you can trust 👍
🙃It’s not perfect, but it’s loving.
🙃It’s not perfect, but it’s Biblical
🙃It’s not perfect, but it’s honest.
🙃It’s not perfect, but it’s fresh, real, and powerful.
It’s not perfect, and it doesn’t claim to be.
👩👱👩‍🦰👨‍🦳👱‍♀️👩‍🦳🧔It’s full of humans (some of whom you may not even like, because #letsbereal), and it’s available for you. We have locations all over San Diego (including our newest one up in San Marcos) and YOU ARE INVITED!
Whether you’re church shopping, curious to explore something new, or willing to give church another shot, YOU ARE INVITED, and you are welcome.
And if you want a friendly face, come join me at our Balboa campus – I’m there every Sunday and Wednesday!