Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 Articles

5 months later…

5 months..Lots can happen in a short period of time..?Revelation?Breakthrough?Frustration?Growth?Tears?Friendships?Goals hit?Inspiration.You can see new things about yourself that you’re excited about, and you can be faced with frustrations about yourself that you’re less-than-enthused by..For me, these last 5 months in the Pathfinders Apprenticeship has reminded …


Your next big step

These last 4 months. Let me tell you about how I survived them..Very simply put, it’s been God and friendships..And specifically, I’ve found immense value in a very particular mastermind I’ve been investing in these last 4 months. The Pathfinders Apprenticeship (@awakenpathfinderssd)..These last 4+ months …


Single on Valentine’s day…again

Romantic lunch for 6. Yep. Me and @fiveguys  – #dadjoke 😉 Get it?! ? The goods are below ?? While it’s been 11 years since I’ve had a Valentine on Valentine’s Day, I can honestly say, this has been the most JOY-FILLED Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had! ?.Do …