Whatever it is you’re walking with… Bring it to Him. Disappointment. Anticipation. Betrayal. Joy. Confusion. Excitement. Tragedy. Laughter. Sorrow. Forgiveness. Anger. Delight. Frustration. Something sweet. Something hard. Something cheerful. Something unfathomable. God can handle it ALL. And, the thing is… He WANTS to. He wants …
trust in God

Act like a wife, not like a girl trying to get a husband
🔥 Single ladies, I’m about to UNLEASH 🔥 so if you’re feeling thin-skinned (or you know you’re compromising in your dating life and you don’t want to be called on it)… ⚠️You’ve been warned ⚠️ Girl. You’re doing yourself a HUGE 👎 disservice 👎 (and …

5 months later…
5 months..Lots can happen in a short period of time..💥Revelation💥Breakthrough💥Frustration💥Growth💥Tears💥Friendships💥Goals hit💥Inspiration.You can see new things about yourself that you’re excited about, and you can be faced with frustrations about yourself that you’re less-than-enthused by..For me, these last 5 months in the Pathfinders Apprenticeship has reminded …

Your next big step
These last 4 months. Let me tell you about how I survived them..Very simply put, it’s been God and friendships..And specifically, I’ve found immense value in a very particular mastermind I’ve been investing in these last 4 months. The Pathfinders Apprenticeship (@awakenpathfinderssd)..These last 4+ months …

You’ve been single the whole time I’ve known you
“You’ve been single the whole time I’ve known you.” Anyone who’s known me over the last 5 years could say that. It’s not really *news*, but it hit me like a ton of bricks when he said it to my face To be honest, it really …

Single on Valentine’s day…again
Romantic lunch for 6. Yep. Me and @fiveguys – #dadjoke 😉 Get it?! 🤣 The goods are below 🍔🍟 While it’s been 11 years since I’ve had a Valentine on Valentine’s Day, I can honestly say, this has been the most JOY-FILLED Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had! 😃.Do …

Ask. Seek. Knock. Even if it feels awkward.
It’s amazing what quiet spaces, a waterfront view, and a word from God can do in your life ❤.📖 I recently spent such a morning writing down questions I have for God, and He’s been so sweet to be answering them since..❓”Ask, and the gift …