I once knew a girl who knew everything. She knew what she thought.She knew who she trusted.She knew love couldn’t be bought.She knew fearing men who lusted. She knew when to run.She knew how to hide.She knew how to be fake.She knew to be snide. …

Are you willing to look foolish?
Are you willing to look foolish? ‘Cause the thing is, you are going to – no matter what you do ???? If you go after your dreams, you’ll look foolish to those who aren’t willing to go for theirs. If you don’t go after your …

It. has. been. a. WEEK!
It. has. been. a. WEEK! Just. Honestly. Do you ever feel as though you’re watching your life happen in front of you, like a movie? Like, seeing all of the EVERYTHING swirling around you… and then pleasantly surprised to see yourself calm, cool, and collected? …

If I do this, then……
For years I was caught in the trap of “if I invest in this program / coach / thing, then __________ in my life will change.” And, while I’m still a HUGE believer in investing in programs / coaches / etc. to help with growth, …

A Case for Grace
Growth and Grace ??? God gave me this name back in 2016, and it’s been an ever-expanding foundation of how I live my life, with grace being especially front and center for me lately. Growth wasn’t a concept I was actively aware of and seeking …

One month until my BIRTHDAY
Well well well, guess what’s coming UP?! My BIRTHDAY! #36 is right around the corner, and I have exactly one month to plan my most epic one yet! And here’s what I’ve realized about myself over the years – I used to be so judgy …

Annoyingly UNcomfortable
I’m writing this while sipping a glass of white wine and for those who know me – they know that’s significant! For someone who has maybe 2ish drinks per year, tonight just called for one.. This has been an annoyingly UNcomfortable week. Like, OBNOXIOUS..But…Thank God for friends …

Highs and lows
I was gonna write something about my husband with this picture and how I’ve gotta keep my stunner shades on ’cause our future’s lookin’ bright But, first, y’all already hear about him a lot, so I’ll give you a break and second, when I looked at the picture …

Tenaciously facing fear
TERRIFIED of heights and doing it anyway because life isn’t about letting fear stop you. My word for this year is tenacious. And the way I defined that is “moving forward boldly, even when scared.” I definitely did that today! Thank goodness for sturdy railings …