FYI – If someone’s inviting you to compromise, you don’t have to accept the invitation ? In fact, you have permission to walk away from the situation. You don’t need that kind of influence in your life ❌ ‘Cause the thing is, even if you’re …
Standing on convictions is uncomfortable!
Picture this. It’s my birthday month (February), and everyone knows that I celebrate the whole month (and then some) ? With that in mind, this particular gentleman (who, for reference, was 20+ years older than me), said he wanted to take me to lunch for …
Boundaries vs. unhealthy walls
I’ve had several conversations lately with ladies, and as I’ve been praying for them, I’ve seen visions of them PLAYING in freedom (i.e. skipping, swinging on the monkey bars, etc.) ? What I’ve realized is that, while there are plenty of “blame it on my …
Boundaries – you’re invited to have them
BOUNDARIES We all have them (some more intentionally than others), and we all have people who cross them (some more intentionally than others) ? Have you ever noticed that you don’t even realize you have boundaries until they’re crossed ? And then you get (understandably) …
Boundaries – where to start
So, you find yourself in a conversation you’d rather not be in. What do you do? Or maybe you’ve wound up in a situation that’s so out of alignment for you, and you’re going “how did I get here?!” It may even be that you’re …
The power of Orthopedic Sandals
I had two different ladies in their 70s comment on my “orthopedic” sandals within the first 24 hours of having them. Yes, they both used that word to describe them. In the past, this would have absolutely crushed my confidence, and prevented me from ever …
Time vs. People
It’s an interesting line to walk – people vs. time. Which one do you prioritize? One could argue either way, really. If you’re on a meeting with someone, and it’s scheduled for 30 minutes, and it runs over because you prioritized the person on the …
5 months later…
5 months..Lots can happen in a short period of time..?Revelation?Breakthrough?Frustration?Growth?Tears?Friendships?Goals hit?Inspiration.You can see new things about yourself that you’re excited about, and you can be faced with frustrations about yourself that you’re less-than-enthused by..For me, these last 5 months in the Pathfinders Apprenticeship has reminded …
Your next big step
These last 4 months. Let me tell you about how I survived them..Very simply put, it’s been God and friendships..And specifically, I’ve found immense value in a very particular mastermind I’ve been investing in these last 4 months. The Pathfinders Apprenticeship (@awakenpathfinderssd)..These last 4+ months …
The art of saying “NO” graciously and confidently
? I wanted to say “no” but I was caught off guard, and I HATED disappointing people!.☝Recipe for a very disappointing, and constantly heavy-feeling life..It looks like:?Living for others?Making sure they’re happy?Taking care of their needs.*and not in a selfless, generous, giving kind of way …