Repeat after me if you need a fresh perspective!
Heavenly Father, Your ways are higher than our ways, and Your thoughts higher than our thoughts. You have gifted me with another day of life, and I’m so grateful to get to partner with You, The Creator, in having an impact today.
🙏 Thank You for helping me see outside myself.
🙏 Thank You for highlighting opportunities for me to serve others.
🙏 Thank You for giving me the words to speak when it feels too daunting to utter words about what I’m walking through.
🙏 Thank You for showing me the parts of my story that I’d previously missed, and for bringing healing to me through sharing my stories with others.
On this day, I declare that I am no longer bound by the shackles of my past, just as You said in Galatians 5:1. I declare that my past no longer has power over me, and I declare that my vision has shifted to see my future with fresh eyes, instead of through a tainted filter of how things have gone in the past.
I will trust in You, even if I don’t understand or see all the details, and I trust that You have revealed everything to me that I need to make it to the next step.
I receive Your perspective and vision for my life!
Thank You for this refreshing 🙏 In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.
There’s such a sweetness in knowing that we get to speak directly to, and have a relationship with, the God who created the universe. The God who knew us before we were formed by His hands. The God who knows no limit. The God who cares about every detail. The God who cares about YOU!