Showing: 11 - 20 of 27 Articles
Lifestyle Relationships

Definition of a great friend

Knowing their favorite color doesn’t make you a great friend. Knowing their childhood hometown doesn’t make you a great friend. Knowing the name of their favorite band doesn’t make you a great friend. That makes you an information knower. What makes you a great friend …


Friendship Safety Zone

One of my favorite things to do in friendship is to offer my friends a “safe space” to get things off their chest and say what they’re really thinking (i.e. an unpolished rant of sortS), so they can stop swirling it around inside or be …


This wasn’t just another Friday

•••••••••••••••••••For some, this is just another day – the middle of the month – nothing special.•But for me, this is a day that marks the end of an era.•For this past decade I’ve had the absolute privilege of working alongside Amy Yamada•We’ve partnered in many ways …


5 months later…

5 months..Lots can happen in a short period of time..?Revelation?Breakthrough?Frustration?Growth?Tears?Friendships?Goals hit?Inspiration.You can see new things about yourself that you’re excited about, and you can be faced with frustrations about yourself that you’re less-than-enthused by..For me, these last 5 months in the Pathfinders Apprenticeship has reminded …


Your next big step

These last 4 months. Let me tell you about how I survived them..Very simply put, it’s been God and friendships..And specifically, I’ve found immense value in a very particular mastermind I’ve been investing in these last 4 months. The Pathfinders Apprenticeship (@awakenpathfinderssd)..These last 4+ months …


Less than 24 hours is spontaneous, right?

About last night Less than 24 hours’ notice (which, for those who know me, know that’s not my norm – especially not for formal events) First time wearing my hair totally straight with a formal dress, and it was surprisingly cooperative and low-key Private concert …


Annoyingly UNcomfortable

 I’m writing this while sipping a glass of white wine  and for those who know me – they know that’s significant! For someone who has maybe 2ish drinks per year, tonight just called for one.. This has been an annoyingly UNcomfortable week. Like, OBNOXIOUS..But…Thank God for friends …


Life Spritzer

LADIES – if you’re feeling a bit lackluster about your life right now, I have some questions for you…if you’re willing to go there with me Do you have an area in life (or more than one) that doesn’t look how you want it to …