Showing: 21 - 30 of 30 Articles

Life Mapping

Doing a little Life Mapping today, and was peeking through old resumes to refresh my memory on things I’d forgotten about. While these aren’t necessarily stand-out moments in my life that I’d write a memoir on, it’s fun to see the stand-out themes that have …


Annoyingly UNcomfortable

 I’m writing this while sipping a glass of white wine  and for those who know me – they know that’s significant! For someone who has maybe 2ish drinks per year, tonight just called for one.. This has been an annoyingly UNcomfortable week. Like, OBNOXIOUS..But…Thank God for friends …


Stand out

? Analogy incoming ?.If this ❤POP❤ of red represented something that you excel at in your life, what would it be?.Something which stands out from the everyday. Something people take notice of ?.I was recently asked to provide a list of 3️⃣ topics I could …

Leadership Lifestyle

Highs and lows

I was gonna write something about my  husband with this picture  and how I’ve gotta keep my stunner shades on ’cause our future’s lookin’ bright  But, first, y’all already hear about him a lot, so I’ll give you a break  and second, when I looked at the picture …


Solution-focused, not problem-focused

? So, your car breaks down because the engine went kaput. What do you do?.1️⃣ Let’s start with an obvious one – you could get the engine repaired. Problem solved..2️⃣ Slightly less obvious, perhaps, but you could replace the entire engine. Again, problem solved..3️⃣ You …

Leadership Relationships

Clashing Thoughts

 PSA / FYI >>> You can…  Disapprove of someone’s approach, but still applaud the outcome they created (I don’t believe in “grinding” all day every day to create business success, but I recognize that it can)  Disagree with someone completely and still admire the eloquence …

Leadership Spiritual

Seek peace

Our church opened back up (IN PERSON ?) on Sunday for our 15th Birthday, and I’m *such* a fangirl ???.We are created with a purpose and designed for community – and it’s not meant to be virtual, or 6 feet apart ? We’re meant to …


Season of Refreshing

?Takin’ a quick breather. Feels like a bit of recovery mode happenin’ over here today as catch my breath..?It’s been a FUN season, and a FULL season…and while I’m certainly excited for things ahead, I’m being mindful to not slip into overload (which has been …


Vulnerability at a mic

Y’all know I share some REAL stuff, but THIS IS THE MOST VULNERABLE-FEELING POST I HAVE *EVER* DONE!!! And here’s why. Sometimes leading by example SUCKS in the moment, because in order to be real, you gotta actually DO THE THING. Which means, sometimes (if …