Showing: 11 - 20 of 84 Articles
Leadership Relationships

Are you good for the conversation

➕Are you good for the conversation?➕Are you willing to stay in a conversation when there’s disagreement?➕Can you handle the heat?➕Can you listen without attacking?➕Can you give them a chance to speak without lashing out?➕Can you hear an argument that appalls you without name calling?➕Can you …

Spiritual Susan's Favorites

Modern Day Proverbs 31 Woman

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” My oh my. What a pillar she is, the Proverbs 31 woman! ✨ Noble character✨ Attentive✨ Talented✨ Honorable✨ A total *boss* in the marketplace✨ Strong work ethic✨ Generous✨ Multi-faceted✨ Wise✨ …


Bit by bit

Bit by bit. There’s a time and a place to take a giant leap and go for it, no holds barred – but there’s also wisdom in taking it one step at a time, bit by bit, and not setting yourself up for cram-mode. Have …