What are you doing for JOY these days? ?
With everything going on, it’s especially “easy” to take on burdens and heaviness, which actually only makes things harder. While it’s not helpful or wise to ignore that there’s heaviness, it’s not helpful to take it on and carry it either ?
We must equip ourselves to be able to approach our lives, our days, our conversations, our friends, and our enemies with love, and creating joy will only support that ❤
If you’re finding yourself feeling heavy, burdened, weary, exhausted, craving a way to unplug, and just plain sick of everything going on, I invite you to take a moment and pray ? .
Take a breath ☺ and say this out loud:

? Heavenly Father, thank You for creating JOY. Thank You for Your perfect love that drives out ALL fear. Thank you for covering me in Your peace – peace that surpasses ALL understanding. Thank You for silencing every lie, every fear, every doubt, and every disappointment that’s trying to steal my peace. Thank You for replacing those things with Your joy-filled, patient, good, peaceful, kind, gentle, everlasting love ? I choose to reject that fear (and its associates ??????) and lean into Your presence. I choose love. I choose joy. Thank You for giving me ideas on how I can welcome more joy into my life, and share it with others ? Thank You for loving me and helping me love others ? Amen
Let Him wash you in His Peace and surround you with His magnificent love ?