Showing: 1 - 10 of 22 Articles


????? WHY ISN’T THIS FIXED/SOLVED YET?? I spent money/time/energy/thoughts on it, so why didn’t things change?? Oooooh, this was a CONSTANT frustration in my life for YEARS!! Why did things still suck after ALL that effort?! I couldn’t figure it out ? ✅ I was …

Leadership Relationships

Are you good for the conversation

➕Are you good for the conversation?➕Are you willing to stay in a conversation when there’s disagreement?➕Can you handle the heat?➕Can you listen without attacking?➕Can you give them a chance to speak without lashing out?➕Can you hear an argument that appalls you without name calling?➕Can you …


Say it with me now

Y’all. We have to talk. This whole “deflecting compliments” thing is NOT a good look ? If someone offers you a compliment, receive it, whether you believe it or not. They took time and effort to express it to you, when it would have been …


ENOUGH with the stalking

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you need to STOP stalking your ex’s social media (…or their new girlfriend’s social media… or your new boyfriend’s ex’s social media) account(s) and keeping tabs on what they’re up to. STOP IT! It is only …

Leadership Relationships

Do you hear what I hear?

“You picking up what I’m putting down?”“Do you follow my drift?”“Are you with me?” There are so many ways to ask if someone is tracking with what you’re sharing with them (a great sign of successful communication is checking in and verifying that you are, …